The Jangbong Training of Jangmookido

               ( Basic Techniques )
                      - Chase -               ( Posture )
            - Ro -                      ( Step )
            - Gong gyeog -  ( Attack )
            - Dol ri ki -           ( Spinning )
      ( Pattern / The Eight Great Warriors Forms )


 Ki Bon Jang Bong  /  Basic Form                                                                 Ki Cho Jang Bong  /  Fundamental Form                                                 Cho Geup Jang Bong  / Elementary Form                                                                       
Joong Geup Jang Bong  /  Intermediate Form                                 
Goh Geup Jang Bong  /  Advanced Form                                                                           
Dae Geup Jang Bong  /  Progressive Form                                                                                   Moo Geup Jang Bong  /  Higher Advanced Form                
 Simjang Bong  / The First Black Belt Form
 ( The heart of the long pole form )
(Sparring technique)

Dae Ryun is application of our amazing Pal Jang Sa Hyungs. Hyungs training is a peparatory for sparring, in this way of training you understand the Hyungs spirit.

     (Precision Tests )

- Cheot-bul Kkeuki -
Putting out candle with the jangbong

- Jong-ee Bägi -
Cutting paper with the jangbong

 ( Mind and Body Exercises )

-Jangbong Flow - 
Get to know the jangbong and to get you started

- Ki Bub  - 
Meditation and Breathing techniques                     

- Body -
Strength, Effort, Stretching and Balance

Practicing with a long pole is a lot fun, but requires hard work and diligence. Jangmookido the art of long pole fighting is a true family sport and can be practiced whole  life. 

The students of Jangmookido learn many types of training and each type has a different purpose for practitioner development. 
A new student of Jangmookido begins with learning the basics such as etiquette, different postures and footwork, and how to properly spins and attacking with the longpole/jangbong.

For us, the Jangbong is much more than jus a exercise tool. It's an extension of the body, organic in matrial and made to fuse with the organic grip of the hand. The Jangbong is human long and have weight and you feel your body movin together with the jangbong, the training activates yours arms and legs, abdominal, back muscles and your most important muscle, the heart. Balance, flexibility and body control, get you in the bargain. Breathing technique is also important in training to enter the calm and the present.  Pure jangbong techniques and a open clear mind are required to be able to pass the art of sport Jangmookido.  
Gandmaster Jonny training in the temple Gandmaster Jonny training in the temple

A Goal of the Jangmookido training is, become one with the jangbong ! For example, when you do a figure 8 spin and combo with a front strike; your entire body flows with the jangbong, not against it. This will create beautiful flowing combinations and impressive abilities. That's what you learn in Hyung ( pattern ) create harmony between you and the long pole. Hyung can be trained alone and in a group, as we call, synchronized training. 
Dae Ryun ( sparring ) you train against a real opponent and this training promotes timing, sense of distance, efficiency in fighting techniques, fighting spirit, endurance, toughness and flexibility.
Kibondonjak (basic technique) These techniques are called basic because they are fundamental, not because they are easy to perform.
Jeongdo (precision test ) In putting out candle with the jangbong, without touching the candle, only the gust of wind from the jangbong tip, extinguishes the candle. 

A skilled Jangmookido master knows when, where and how to use the softness, speedness and power. The mind and the body must be perfectly coordinated to release the spontaneous intelligence, intuition and balance in everything...   
The new students of Jangmookido need to have willingness, patience, discipline and burning heart warming welcoming to their training, to get a chance to reach one of students goal;  The Black Belt!


FAMILY SITE          

COMPANY     Jangmookido

SEO                 Jonny Edvinsson

ADDRESS      Hanmoosadojang, Linköping Sporthall, Snickaregatan 35, Linköping City, Sweden

PHONE           0703 127 618